
trait Structure

The Structure base trait. It abstract from all the types because it represent the pure concept of a structure abstracting away from the particular implementation types.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Type that describes the entity that interacts with the structure.

Type that describes the entity that interacts with the structure.

Type that describes the type of the structure defined with types.

Type that describes the type of the structure defined with types.

Type that describes an entity that is entered in the structure.

Type that describes an entity that is entered in the structure.

Type that represents the position of the structure.

Type that represents the position of the structure.

Type that represents a probability.

Type that represents a probability.

Type that describes the time of the simulation.

Type that describes the time of the simulation.

Type that represents the strategy used to chose if a entity can enter or not.

Type that represents the strategy used to chose if a entity can enter or not.

Type that represents the time distribution used for the permanence.

Type that represents the time distribution used for the permanence.

Value members

Abstract methods

def capacity: Int

Each structure has a capacity in terms of how many entities can be at the same time inside.

Each structure has a capacity in terms of how many entities can be at the same time inside.


the maximum number of entity contained by the structure

protected def checkEnter(entity: BaseEntity): Boolean

Method that check if an entity is allowed to enter.

Method that check if an entity is allowed to enter.

Value parameters:

the entity that want to enter


true if it can enter, false instead

protected def enter(entity: BaseEntity, timestamp: SimulationTime): BaseStructure

Method that insert the entity inside the structure.

Method that insert the entity inside the structure.

Value parameters:

the entity that want to enter


the timestamp in which the entity is entered


The modified instance of the structure


the entities that are inside the structure

Each structure has associated a strategy that affects the enter of entities.

Each structure has associated a strategy that affects the enter of entities.


the strategy

protected def exit(entity: BaseEntity): BaseStructure

Method that remove an entity from the structure.

Method that remove an entity from the structure.

Value parameters:

the entity that want to exit


the modified instance of the structure without the entity inside.

Each structure has an infection probability that influence the infection of an entity that is inside.

Each structure has an infection probability that influence the infection of an entity that is inside.


the infection probability when an entity is inside the structure

protected def notEntered(entity: BaseEntity, timeStamp: SimulationTime): BaseStructure

Method to handle the situation in which an entity can't enter in the structure.

Method to handle the situation in which an entity can't enter in the structure.

Value parameters:

the entity for witch the entering is denied


the timestamp in which the entity request to enter


the resulting structure instance

Each structure has a permanence time defined by a time distribution.

Each structure has a permanence time defined by a time distribution.


the time distribution that describe the permanence time

Being placeable, the structure has a position.

Being placeable, the structure has a position.


the position of the structure

Concrete methods

Method that allows an entity to exit from the structure. This method WILL NOT handle the entity position, but it will only remove the entity from internal structures.

Method that allows an entity to exit from the structure. This method WILL NOT handle the entity position, but it will only remove the entity from internal structures.

Value parameters:

the entity that need to exit


The modified instance of the structure without the entity inside

Method that allows an entity to try to enter inside the structure. Note that an entity could not be allowed to enter based on the characteristics of the structure.

Method that allows an entity to try to enter inside the structure. Note that an entity could not be allowed to enter based on the characteristics of the structure.

Value parameters:

the entity that wants to enter


The modified instance of the structure if entered